Ski Is About Balance

Ski Is About Balance

The more you are balanced on your skis more you are confident in your turns.
To achieve your maximum balance on all kinds of slopes with all kinds of snow conditions you should start to prepare your body and mind on multiple levels!
Before talking about our balance on skis, let’s try to check our capacities on the carpet at home in warm conditions.
Try to maintain your balance on one foot without putting your skis on, how much do you think you can resist before falling on the other foot?
Balance is a static condition about keeping the projection of our Center of Mass (COM) above an area of equilibrium.
It’s more about exercising and training, the more you get used to your needed muscles and adopt preparation, the more you will be able to maintain more time in balance.

Here, we are talking about our stance. What is “Stance”?
Posture is the position in which you hold your body while standing, sitting, or lying down. Good posture involves training your body to stand, walk, sit, and lie so as to place the least strain on muscles and ligaments while you are moving or performing weight-bearing activities.

When we talk about stance here, is what are the ligaments and muscles involved in any position that we are in? Usually, things we do often on any level, exercises, and daily routines in our life become something they called habits. What are habits?
The word habit is pulled from the Latin words here, which means “have, consist of,” and habitus, which means “condition, or state of being.

When your “Habits” become your attitude means that you start using your muscles and ligaments to serve a certain purpose which is here “the balance” without any extra effort. It becomes part of your movement when you are skiing.
After years in skiing, I noticed that all the drills that help good skiers to adapt to different changes and conditions during their career are to maintain balance and adapt to challenges mainly speed, turns, and keeping control.
If your body is ready for this kind of challenge you will be able to follow through with some exercises that it will help you improve your balance.
Balance is always a key to improvement, either at the initiation, at the apex, or at the end of the turn.
I will follow in the coming days some exercises that you should start on in order to improve your balance.

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