Carving Technics
Carving Technics
Why is balance important when skiing?
A good balance skill is to be enabled to stand over the ski and manage the suitable position to manage and master forces against your skis in different positions under different circumstances.
Skier will be able to handle and control his position accordingly with the most suitable stances disregarding the type of snow, speed, and slopes.
These are the fundamentals in performing the best in Carving:
- Manage and prepare your stance at the start of the turn.
- Manage and prepare your stance at the end of the turn.
- Provide the right timing for achieving toppling moving to prepare for the next turn.
The high-edge angles are a sign that you are able to align your body effectively against these turning forces and control your speed in any terrain. “Centrifugal against the center of mass”
To achieve high edge angles and control, you should maintain inclination and angulation with upper body separation to maintain balance.
High edge control is based on the type of groomers, the difficulty of the slope, the type of skis, the ski turning radius, and your level of expertise.
3-Ski Pressure
What is ski pressure?
The ski pressure is when you start putting high pressure on your outside ski to make it bend.
Usually, skiers should maintain high pressure on their outside skis to use the ski performance technique for accomplishing the best in the turn.
These are the fundamentals in performing the best in Carving:
- Outside ski pressure
- Pressure smoothness
What is a SKI rotary?
Rotaries determine 2 main aspects of your skis:
- How much are you keeping your skis in parallel.
- The shape of your turns that you keep behind you on the snow. (Smooth or Cuts)